DewesoftX Tech specs
Feature Matrix
Bundle View
General licensing information |
With a purchase of any Dewesoft instrument, you will automatically receive a Profesional license, which gives you access to the core functionality of the Dewesoft X software. Even though this is a “base” version, it is equipped with a wide array of features ranging from standard mathematical analysis, visualization, sequencing and exporting data to a multitude of formats. All of the included options in the Professional license are indicated with a check mark in the feature matrix tab. Please note that a license is only required for acquiring and storing data using DAQ devices, meaning that you can freely analyze your data files on any PC and share them with as many people as you want. |
As DewesoftX is packed full of features that may not be relevant to every use case, we want to allow users to customize a license according to their exact needs. With that in mind, any feature that is not included in the Profesional version of the license can be purchased as an option on top of the Profesional license. |
Dewesoft also offers application-specific software bundles, which include several paid options that are commonly used together at a discounted price. Bundle licenses include all of the features that are available with the Profesional license while also adding some additional options listed in the Bundle view tab. |
For Dewesoft power users, we offer the Enterprise license, which is an all-in-one solution that unlocks the software completely. Even if additional paid options get added to the software after your purchase, users with the Enterprise license will always have access to all of the functionality. |
If you are interested in a paid option but would like to test it first then you are more than welcome to use an evaluation license, which will grant you access to all features for 30 days. |
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing fault |
Order tracking |
Rotational and torsional vibration |
Rotor balancer |
Human body vibration |
Modal test (FRF) |
SRS (offline only) |
Sound level |
The DSA license is the perfect software solution for any and all digital signal processing. It covers a wide range of Noise & Vibration applications and offers options such as the FFT analyzer with extended cursor functionalities, order tracking, torsional vibration, rotor balancing, human body vibration, modal analysis, shock response spectrum as well as the sound level meter.
Rotating Machinery Analyzer
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing fault |
Order tracking |
Rotational and torsional vibration |
Rotor balancer |
The Rotating Machinery Analyzer software bundle allows you to analyze signals relating to the rotational speed and its harmonics. Evaluating orders (harmonics of the rotational speed) can be critically important on many types of rotating machines. This software license includes easy to use solutions for order tracking, rotational and torsional vibration, rotor balancing, FFT and octave band analysis. |
Structural Analyzer
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing fault |
Modal test (FRF) |
SRS (offline only) |
The Structural Analyzer software bundle offers a total solution for structural dynamics, allowing you to analyze the behavior of structures subject to dynamic (high acceleration) loading. Easy to use solutions like the modal test, FFT and shock response spectrum analysis are included in the license. |
Orbit Analyzer
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
FFT analyzer (advanced) - Advanced markers - Bearing fault |
Order tracking |
Orbit analysis |
Advanced turbomachinery analysis including Orbit Analysis, Order tracking and advanced FFT designed to cover everything from rotor movement evaluation, assessment of any motion restrictions to in-depth analysis of rotational vibration with extraction of harmonic components, bearing faults detection and a set of advanced cursors and markers in FFT math. Trusted companion for engineers dealing with rotating machinery, whether in design phase or later for maintanence. |
Sound Intensity Analyzer
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
Sound level |
Sound intensity |
Reverberation Time RT60 |
The Sound Intensity Analyzer software bundle is the perfect solution for noise source determination brought to an entirely new level by Dewesoft. The package also includes the sound level meter and the RT60 tools, which are essential for obtaining accurate measurement results.
Sound Power Analyzer
Data post-processing and advanced analysis |
Sound level |
Sound power |
Reverberation Time RT60 |
The Sound Power Analyzer software bundle merges the best of both worlds: widely established sound power measurements with a familiar yet distinctive user interface. With the analyzer you can rate and compare different noise sources with ease and exactness while simultaneously monitor any number of measured parameters. The package also includes the sound level meter and the RT60 tools, which are essential for obtaining accurate measurement results.